Biodiversity Hotspots and the UTRB
Map depicting biodiversity hotspots in the eastern United States along with the boundary of the Upper Tennessee River Basin and USFWS National Wildlife Refuge locations.
Map of Federally Listed Aquatic Species in Virginia Portion of UTRB
Map depicting listed and candidate aquatic species in the Upper Tennessee hydrologic sub-unit of Virginia.
Map of Federally Listed Species within the UTRB in Tennessee
Map of Listed and candidate aquatic species in the Upper Tennessee hydrologic sub-unit of Tennessee.
Map of Federally Listed Species within the UTRB in North Carolina
Map of Listed and candidate aquatic species in the Upper Tennessee hydrologic sub-unit of North Carolina.
Map of Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Fish in the UTRB
Map depicting the number of listed, proposed, and candidate fish species within each 12-digit HUC within the Upper Tennessee River Basin. Occurrences include extant and historical records. Areas within the UTRB boundary not shaded by a color denoted in the key have no records of imperiled fish species occurrences.
Map of Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Mussels in the UTRB
Map depicting the number of listed, proposed, and candidate mussel species within each 12-digit HUC within the Upper Tennessee River Basin. Occurrences include extant and historical records. Areas within the UTRB boundary not shaded by a color in the key have no records of imperiled mussel species occurrences.
Map of Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Fish and Mussels in the UTRB
Map depicting the number of listed, proposed, and candidate fish and mussel species within each 12-digit HUC within the Upper Tennessee River Basin. Occurrences include extant and historical records. Areas within the UTRB boundary not shaded by a color in the key have no records of imperiled fish and mussel species occurrences.