Tennessee River Basin Boundary
This data includes a shapefile of the boundaries of the entire Tennessee River Basin. The total are includes 41,027 square miles.
Upper Tennessee River Basin Boundary
This shapefile includes the boundary for the Upper Tennessee River Basin as defined by the National Hydrologic Dataset. The total area for the Upper Tennessee River Basin is 17,271 square miles.
Middle Tennessee River Basin Boundary
This shapefile includes the boundary for the Middle Tennessee River Basin as defined by the National Hydrologic Dataset. The total area for the MiddleTennessee River Basin is 15,595 square miles.
Lower Tennessee River Basin Boundary
This shapefile includes the boundary for the Lower Tennessee River Basin as defined by the National Hydrologic Dataset. The total area for the Lower Tennessee River Basin is 8,161 square miles.
Public Data Repositories
Provides direct downloads of spatial data for typical use inside a desktop GIS environment.
Information for Sharing and Requesting Data
PDF file. Describes two common use-cases.
LCC Boundary File
This shapefile is the most current boundary file for the Appalachian LCC geography. This file will typically be more current than those found on the National LCC website.
Share Appalachian LCC and Partner Spatial Data
Describes the data sets which are available and how to request other services including a Data Request Form and registration for the GeoNode.
Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture data section.