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Climate Science Document Library 2011

Title Description
Pedoecological Modeling to Guide Forest Restoration using Ecological Site Descriptions the u.s. department of agriculture (usda)-natural resources conservation service (nrcs) uses an ecological site description (esd) framework to help incorporate ...
Pedoecological Modeling to Guide Forest Restoration using Ecological Site Descriptions the u.s. department of agriculture (usda)-natural resources conservation service (nrcs) uses an ecological site description (esd) framework to help incorporate ...
Australia is ‘free to choose’ economic growth and falling environmental pressures Over two centuries of economic growth have put undeniable pressure on the ecological systems that underpin human well-being. While it is agreed that these press...
Pedoecological Modeling to Guide Forest Restoration using Ecological Site Descriptions the u.s. department of agriculture (usda)-natural resources conservation service (nrcs) uses an ecological site description (esd) framework to help incorporate ...
Coastal habitats shield people and property from sea-level rise and storms Extreme weather, sea-level rise and degraded coastal ecosystems are placing people and property at greater risk of damage from coastal hazards 1–5. The likeli...
Alleles underlying larval foraging behaviour influence adult dispersal in nature The dispersal and migration of organisms have resulted in the colonisation of nearly every possible habitat and ultimately the extraordinary diversity of life. ...
Area–heterogeneity tradeoff and the diversity of ecological communities For more than 50 y ecologists have believed that spatial heterogeneity in habitat conditions promotes species richness by increasing opportunities for niche par...
From Death Comes Life: Recovery and Revolution in the Wake of Epidemic Outbreaks of Mountain Pine Beetle Excerpt : “Part of the initial increase in nutrients and moisture under dead and dying trees is due to reduced uptake,” Rhoades says. “But the sick and d...
Groundwater depletion and sustainability of irrigation in the US High Plains and Central Valley Aquifer overexploitation could significantly impact crop production in the United States because 60% of irrigation relies on groundwater. Groundwater depletion ...
Response of snow-dependent hydrologic extremes to continued global warming Snow accumulation is critical for water availability in the Northern Hemisphere 1,2, raising concern that global warming could have important impacts on natural...
Livestock and the Environment: What Have We Learned in the Past Decade? The livestock and environment nexus has been the subject of considerable research in the past decade. With a more prosperous and urbanized population projected ...
Does global warming favour the occurrence of extreme floods in European Alps? First evidences from a NW Alps proglacial lake sediment record Our record suggests climate warming is favouring the occurrence of high magnitude torrential flood events in high-altitude catchments.
Asymmetric effects of economic growth and decline on CO2 emissions Letter to Editor: Excerpt: "Why does economic decline not have an effect on CO2 emissions that is symmetrical with the effect of economic growth? There are vari...
Impacts in the third dimension Despite reports of no trends in snow- and rainfall, rivers in the northwest USA have run lower and lower in recent decades. A closer look at high- and low-altit...
Predictive traits to the rescue Climate change poses new challenges to the conservation of species, which at present requires data-hungry models to meaningfully anticipate future threats. Now ...
Economic growth and the human lot 1st paragraph: In 1974, Richard A. Easterlin, a coauthor of the work by Easterlin et al. (1) in PNAS, published a seminal article (2) that has generated a huge...
Phylogenetic and functional diversity in large carnivore assemblages Large terrestrial carnivores are important ecological components and promi- nent flagship species, but are often extinction prone owing to a combination of biol...
Megaproject reclamation and climate change Megaprojects such as oil sands mining require large-scale and long-term closure and reclamation plans. Yet these plans are created and approved without consider...
The links between ecosystem multifunctionality and above- and belowground biodiversity are mediated by climate Plant biodiversity is often correlated with ecosystem functioning in terrestrial ecosystems. However, we know little about the relative and combined effects of ...