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DOI Nature-based Solutions Roadmap

Featured ResourceDOI Nature-based Solutions Roadmap

The purpose of the Department of the Interior Nature Based Solutions Roadmap is to provide Department of the Interior (DOI) staff with consistent and credible information about nature-based solutions, such as which strategies match certain conditions and goals, what co-benefits they are likely to provide, example projects, and additional resources for project planning, construction, and monitoring.

Bobwhite quail

Landscapes and WildlifeExplore Our Landscape Biomes and Learn More About Our Focus Species

Cover of Grassland and Savannas Framework

Grasslands FrameworkWorking Lands for Wildlife: Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Framework for Conservation Action

Working Lands for Wildlife: Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Framework for Conservation Action is a 2022 publication by NRCS capturing a long-term, large landscape conservation plan to recover central and eastern grasslands for northern bobwhite and other wildlife species.

Map Viewer

Firemapping ToolSoutheast Firemap Web Map Viewer

This product maps all detectable fires, including managed prescribed burns and wildfires, across nine states in the southeastern United States.(Please note that the viewer is not currently compatible with mobile devices)

Bobwhite Quail

A New Mobile App to Track Northern Bobwhite on Our Landscapes

In addition to other tools being developed, this new “Bobscapes” Mobile App will help researchers better understand population dynamics and help managers direct resources for habitat work to the areas where those investments will be most effective in recovering the species.

Learning Management

Working Lands for Wildlife Pollinator Conservation Series

This new series has been developed from the 12 Pollinator Conservation webinars presented by Quail Forever and USDA-NRCS.


Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW)

The WLFW webportal enables interaction between NRCS's WLFW partners and others interested in conserving whole landscapes and empowering rural economies.

The content here augments those WLFW resources available for on USDA's website, and allows users (including landowners) access to a wide variety of information, online training materials, planning and decision-support tools, as well as access to experts, NRCS field staff, and landowners.

Focus Species

WLFW partners with private landowners to conserve large, intact landscapes for people and wildlife. We do that by focusing our efforts on “umbrella species” that act as bellwethers for how their ecosystem is faring.

Learn more about each species

American Black Duck

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Bog Turtle

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Golden-winged Warbler

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Northern Bobwhite Quail

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WLFW Conservation Tools


A Mobile App to track Northern Bobwhite on Our Landscapes

The app is a citizen science tool that can be used by the public to contribute to our knowledge of the distribution and abundance of Northern Bobwhite



A Systematic Map of Bird-vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests

This tool allows users to search for literature on bird species-vegetation relationships in eastern and boreal forests of North America.


BirdLocale: WLFW Landscape Restoration Bird Assessment

This tool helps biologists gather field data, including bobwhite counts and percentage cover of various types (grass, shrub, forb), using both manual and Acoustic Recording Unit (ARU) methods to capture bird calls.


The SE Firemap maps all detectable fires, including managed prescribed burns and wildfires, across nine states in the southeastern United States.

Stay Connected to Working Lands for Wildlife

WLFW News Gallery

News articles and events on WLFW and Target Species sites.

WLFW Resources

In the Working Lands library, you will find project reports, presentations, peer-reviewed studies, and more.

play_circle_filled Videos and Webinars

You can customize your learning with a collection of webinars and videos about landscape conservation and working lands. View the videos you want on your own schedule.


See the NRCS WLFW website for specific information on: WLFW national and state-run target species partnerships; priority geographies for implementation; strategic plans published by USDA; how to participate in Farm Bill programs; and news and blogs about WLFW activities.