General Resources and Publications
In the working lands library, you will find project reports, presentations, peer-reviewed studies, and more.
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #5 “Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas”
Session 5 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Laurie Hamon with The Xerces Society. This session focuses on the Bumble Bee Atlas program and how beneficial it is to pollinator conservation. Topics covered include a basic understanding of bumble bee biology, a general overview of the Bumble Bee Atlas program, and a focused overview of the Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas.
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #3 “Power of Partnerships”
Session 3 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Derek Wiley, OPJV/TPWD and Thomas Janke, PFQF. This session focuses on the exceptional partnerships going on in Texas and Oklahoma. Topics covered include a basic understanding of joint ventures, the GRIP program, and success stories.
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #2 “Programs Available to Landowners”
Session 2 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Alison Menefee, PFQF and Dallas Ingram, Georgia DNR. This session focuses on cost-share programs available to landowners at the federal and state levels. Topics covered include a basic understanding of federal programs, a brief overview of EQIP, WLFW, CSP, and CRP, and an overview of state-level programs for wildlife, forestry, prescribed fire, and invasives.
Eastern Hellbender Structural Habitat Augmentation Guidance
This is a technical document to provide guidance on the installation of structural habitat for adult and juvenile Eastern Hellbenders. The document details spacing, placement, and specifications for in-stream nest and cover rocks.
WLFW Programs and Partnerships Webinar Series- Session # 1 “What is Working Lands for Wildlife”
This Session of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Bridgett Costanzo, USDA’s Working Lands for Wildlife East Region Coordinator and Dr. Jess McGuire, PF/QF’s Working Lands for Wildlife Program Manager. This session focuses on what exactly is WLFW? This is the first session in the new mini-series “Programs and Partnerships.” Topics covered include the definition of WLFW, how it is funded, new frameworks to come, models showing the decision-making behind the frameworks, monitoring on WLFW projects, and a quick overview of the new app “Bobscapes.”
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 12 Maintaining Pollinator Habitat
Session 12 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Brittney Viers, PF/QF’s Tennessee State Coordinator. This session focuses on how to properly maintain pollinator habitat and is the last session in the pollinator series. Topics covered include the history of Southern Grasslands, designing adequate seed mixes, utilizing native seed banks, planting methods, and management techniques.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 11 PF/QF’s Pollinator Habitat Program
Session 11 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Kim Cole, PF/QF’s Habitat Education Program Manager. This session focuses on resources for hosting pollinator events and is the second session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include Pollinator Habitat Outreach Program, Habitat Education Resources, and Milkweed in the Classroom.
DOI Nature-based Solutions Roadmap
The purpose of the Department of the Interior Nature Based Solutions Roadmap is to provide Department of the Interior (DOI) staff with consistent and credible information about nature-based solutions, such as which strategies match certain conditions and goals, what co-benefits they are likely to provide, example projects, and additional resources for project planning, construction, and monitoring.
USDA Launches New Bobwhite Conservation Pilot and Announces General Conservation Reserve Program Signup
The opportunity we have been waiting for to stop the national decline of bobwhite quail. Using brand new science tools, WLFW will help landowners manage and connect grassland and savanna habitat in the Central and Eastern US. Together we can improve habitats, measure our progress, and reestablish this iconic rural species to our landscapes!
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 10 How to Do a Pollinator Outreach Event
Session 10 of the WLFW East Region Pollinator Conservation Webinar series was presented by Catherine Beall, South Dakota’s Monarch and Pollinator Coordinating Wildlife Biologist. This session focuses on how to host a pollinator outreach event and is the first session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include the first steps to consider when organizing an event, assembling an agenda, how to advertise, how to prepare the week of the event, things to consider on the day of the event, and follow-up after the event.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 9 Pollinators & Forestland-Underappreciated Pollinator Habitat
Session 9 of the WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Kass Urban-Mead, Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Xerces Society and a Partner Biologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This session focuses on the relationship of pollinators and forestland. Topics covered include an introduction to bee diversity and forest habitats, how bees and other pollinators use the woods, and forest health and pollinators.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session # 8 Pollinators and Livestock Grazing
Session 8 of WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series, presented by Jason Jones and Katrina Sims, Grassland and Grazing Coordinators in Ohio and Arkansas, respectively. This session focuses on grazing livestock with consideration of pollinators. This is the third of three sessions on “pollinator habitat” in the series. Topics covered include benefits of native grassland restoration, native grazing considerations for conservation planning, pasture conversion and establishment, and grazing strategies.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 7 Do I Need a Pollinator Seed Mix and How to Build One
Session 7 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Kelly Gill, Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Xerces Society and a Partner Biologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This session focuses on building seed mixes designed for pollinators and is the second of three sessions on “pollinator habitat” in the series. Topics covered include recognizing whether a seed mix is needed, various seed mix options through NRCS, and specific information needed to build a seed mix such as habitat design and species selection.
Macros by Tolerance
Document has macroinvertebrates sorted into groups 1, 2, and 3 based on pollution tolerance, with pictures.
Pebble Count Analyzer
Excel document to enter and analyze pebble count data to retrieve field values for the SQT.
BEHI and NBS Processing Form
Excel document for processing BEHI and NBS data collected in the field.
Large Woody Debris Index (LWDI) Manual
Methods for LWDI assessment to complete the Hellbender SQT.
Parameter Selection Guide
Print this document and keep in your clipboard for reference. This document lists with metrics should be measured for various types of WLFW projects.
Hellbender Stream Quantification Tool Spreadsheet
The HBSQT Master Document