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NatureScape Process

Key steps in developing this collaborative conservation design and applying it to inform decision making.

For NatureScape Process page.Developing Naturescape

  1. Work with LCC partnership to identify priority resources/ecosystems as essential to preserve into the future.
  2. Choose method or tool (Marxan software) to identify optimal areas to preserve in order to achieve biodiversity goals.
  3. Tease out representative species within each priority resource to inform modeling and provide evaluation metric.
  4. Model major landscape level threats, such as energy development, urbanization, and climate change.
  5. Generate optimal conservation areas to prioritize and preserve – most realistic options based on inputs from threats, change over time, and financial cost.

Applying NatureScape to Inform Decision Making

  1. Broadly and strategically communicate the utility of regional conservation planning and designto the many stakeholders in the region.
  2. Select subgeographies from LCC-wide plan to focus conservation outreach and efforts, building a support base and better elements for next iteration of the NatureScape.
  3. Articulate use-cases, success stories, and interpretive materials for organizations interested in using NatureScape.
  4. Fund multi-scaled spatial analyses and data creation to fill data gaps and better represent the complexity across the geography.
  5. Align NatureScape with other ‘big thinkers’ such as NGOs and other LCCs to extend its utility.
  6. Reiterate vision of conservation across the region. Local planning remains extremely important, but the LCC should provide utility beyond the local level and inform those efforts with a broader context where possible.
  7. Expand technical team expertise to include emerging science and data products.