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USDA Launches New Bobwhite Conservation Pilot and Announces General Conservation Reserve Program Signup
Working Lands for Wildlife’s Northern Bobwhite Pilot Project, as well as the signup dates for USDA’s General Enrollment signup in the Conservation Reserve Program (General CRP), opens March 4. Both conservation opportunities give producers tools to conserve wildlife habitat while achieving other conservation benefits, including sequestering carbon and improving water quality and soil health.
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USDA Launches Strategy to Continue Conserving the Gopher Tortoise and its Critical Habitat
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has released its new 5-year plan to conserve the Southeast’s threatened gopher tortoise by focusing on the conservation and restoration of its key habitat, the longleaf pine forests. Acting NRCS Chief Kevin Norton told Southeast AgNet the fate of the gopher tortoise is linked to habitat quality, and efforts to conserve habitat on private lands will be critical to its continued survival.
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW News Inbox
Virginia Tech Researchers Receive NSF Grant to Study Parental Care in Eastern Hellbender Salamanders
William Hopkins, professor of wildlife in the College of Natural Resources and Environment, is the principal investigator on a new grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for $738,817 to study parental care in the eastern hellbender salamander.
Located in News & Events / Eastern Hellbender News
Story Warm Season Native Grasses for Forage
With many states experiencing record drought, livestock producers may find themselves in a tight spot when trying to provide forage for their cattle. In the long run, native warm season grasses can offer drought resistant forage during the summer slump when many cool season grasses slow in production.
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Webinar: Native Warm-Season Grass Forages and Grazing Management for Bobwhites
Join us for a two-day webinar discussing native warm-season grass forages in the eastern U.S. and integrating grazing management for Northern Bobwhites.
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Welcome to the Southeast CASC March 2023 Newsletter
SE CASC News; Resources; Publications; Tribal News; Events; .Opportunities
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter
Welcome to the Southeast CASC April 2023 Newsletter
SE CASC News | Resources | Publications | Tribal News | Partner News | Webinars | Events | Opportunities
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter
WFSU FM Florida-Perspectives: Prescribed Burns
The recent and devastating fire near Eastpoint in Franklin County has led to a larger discussion about prescribed burns. Talking about it are: Kevin Hiers and Dr. Kevin Robertson from the Tall Timbers Research Station; and Dr. David Godwin with the Southern Fire Exchange at the University of Florida.
Located in Training / Videos, podcasts, multimedia / Podcasts
Wildland-Urban Interface Conference 2023
Learn how to minimize and manage threats in the WUI at the Wildland-Urban Interface Conference. Three essential tracks ensure you and your team get everything you need. Get the latest on Fire Adapted Communities, operations & suppression, and wildland fire policy & tools. Get it all at the WUI conference before the next fire season strikes.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Wildlife Conservation Through Sustainable Ranching
Special Edition: Migratory Big Game Conservation Success in the West | Expanded USDA Initiative Helps Ensure Big Game Always Have Room to Roam
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW News Inbox