Analysis: Why protecting very large swaths of land matters for wildlife conservation
Although bison are the U.S. national mammal, they exist in small and fragmented populations across the West. The federal government is working to restore healthy wild bison populations, relying heavily on sovereign tribal lands to house them.
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WLFW News Inbox
Are Hellbenders Found Downstream of the Ohio Train Derailment Really a Sign That the Water is Safe?
Ohio authorities have called the recent capture and release of two hellbenders downstream from the site of a train derailment and toxic chemical spill a 'positive discovery,' because hellbenders are an indicator of a healthy aquatic ecosystem, but the reality is more complicated.
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News & Events
Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii)
Learn about The Nature Conservancy's work to save North America's smallest turtle.
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Information Materials
Habitat Restoration and Management
Building Your Own Conservation Team
Building habitat on private land isn’t easy. That’s why Barb Heyen has built a “conservation team,” to help transform 120 acres of her property in southern Illinois from low quality pasture to quail and monarch-focused habitat.
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Cal FIre Incidents
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) responds to all types of emergencies. When the Department responds to a major CAL FIRE jurisdiction incident, the Department will post incident details to the web site. Major emergency incidents could include large, extended-day wildfires (10 acres or greater), floods, earthquakes, hazardous material spills, etc. This is a summary of all incidents, including those managed by CAL FIRE and other partner agencies.
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Fire Mapping
Regional Fire Mapping
Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist?
To free up land for biodiversity conservation while satisfying growing food demand, techno-optimist narratives suggest indefinitely increasing agricultural productivity, including through massive pesticide use. But this view, which has made its way from an academic niche into corporate and policy-making circles, overlooks the complexity of natural ecosystems and the market dynamics that regulate access to food.
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Celebrating Bog Turtles During Wild Turtle Week
Wild Turtle Week gives us an opportunity to bring extra attention to turtles and our conservation efforts on their behalf.
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News & Webinars
Bog Turtle News
Chattanooga Zoo Announces Baby Hellbenders
The Chattanooga Zoo announces the successful hatching of a group of Hellbender eggs collected from the wild here in East Tennessee.
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News & Events
Eastern Hellbender News
Conservation Corridor April 2020 Newsletter
In this issue-Science: Habitat fragmentation and microbes, Management: Roads and grizzly bears, Climate Change: Marine reserve network redesign.
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News & Announcements
WLFW Newsletters
Conservation Corridor Newsletters
Conservation Corridor August 2023 Newsletter
Conservation Corridor August Newsletter
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News & Announcements
WLFW Newsletters
Conservation Corridor Newsletters