Introducing Burner Bob - A Cool Dude with a Hot Message!
Burner Bob - A Cool Dude with a Hot Message!
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Join the Bobwhite in Hardwood Forested Systems Webinar!
Join us February 13th at 11:30 AM CST for a webinar on Bobwhite in Hardwood Forested Systems. We will be joined by John Gruchy of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.
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LANDFIRE office hour chats
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Fire Mapping
National Fire Mapping
Landfire Postcard November 2019
As 2019 winds down, LANDFIRE offers a sincere thank you to all who contributed to the program this year. LF is a cornerstone of a fully integrated national data information framework that is developing and improving vegetation and fuels products to support strategic fire and resource management planning and analysis.
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News & Events
Wildland Fire Newletters
Landfire Bulletin Newsletters
LANL study finds wildfire-scorched areas prone to reburning
Scientists studied landscapes in 11 states that were burned by multiple fires within a 20-year period.
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News & Events
News Inbox
Light Weight Tracking Technology Could Help Reveal Mysteries of Golden-winged Warbler Decline
Audubon and partners across the South and Midwest are using radio tags to track a rare songbird.
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News & Events
Managing Burns Safely
Tips for landowners and producers on how to burn their pasture safely and efficiently in the spring. Brought to you by John Weir at Oklahoma State University.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Myth Busters: Learn the Facts about the Emergency Forest Restoration Program
The Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) provides technical and financial assistance to owners of nonindustrial private forestland whose forestland was damaged by a qualifying natural disaster event.
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NASF Weekly Newsletter April 12, 2024
The NASF Washington Weekly Report is an e-newsletter that is distributed via email every Friday afternoon. The newsletter is a digest of the NASF Blog and contains brief items of interest to NASF constituents, including media coverage of congressional activities, forestry-related science and technology, and upcoming events.
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News & Announcements
WLFW Newsletters
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter May 1 2020
This week in forestry and tree news is here!
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News & Announcements
WLFW Newsletters
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter