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Myth Busters: Learn the Facts about the Emergency Forest Restoration Program
The Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) provides technical and financial assistance to owners of nonindustrial private forestland whose forestland was damaged by a qualifying natural disaster event.
Located in News
Video WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #1 “Bobwhite Biology”
Session 1 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by James Martin from the University of Georgia.  This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail and its basic biology. Topics covered include species overview across its range, population trends in different areas of the country, bobwhite quail mating strategies, nesting success, and annual survival.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Northern Bobwhite Webinar Series
Historic USDA Investment in Working Lands for Wildlife is Great News for Hellbenders
Working Lands for Wildlife will dedicate $500 million over the next five years to strengthen and expand efforts to protect wildlife and restore habitat on private agricultural and forest lands.
Located in News & Events
File application/x-troff-ms Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
As a result of the Fact Sheet on Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems by Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Fire Ecology Research Scientist, Prescribed Burning has been added to the USDA Climate Smart Priorities List for FY24.
Located in Prescribed Burning / Practitioner Information
LANDFIRE office hour chats
Located in Fire Mapping / National Fire Mapping / Landfire
Video Pascal source code SFE Webinar: Introduction to the SE FireMap 1.0 - A New Tool to Map Fires Across the South
The SE FireMap 1.0 is a new fire mapping system for the Southeastern United States. Developed with funding provided by the USDA NRCS, SE FireMap uses a remote sensing-based approach to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands across the range of the longleaf pine.
Located in Resources / SE FireMap Documentation
News: Mapping Fires Across the Southeast-Science to Solutions
The Southeast fire map (SE FireMap), funded by NRCS and managed by Working Lands for Wildlife staff, aims to develop a fire tracking map to allow for improved decision making.
Located in News
Cal FIre Incidents
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) responds to all types of emergencies. When the Department responds to a major CAL FIRE jurisdiction incident, the Department will post incident details to the web site. Major emergency incidents could include large, extended-day wildfires (10 acres or greater), floods, earthquakes, hazardous material spills, etc. This is a summary of all incidents, including those managed by CAL FIRE and other partner agencies.
Located in Fire Mapping / Regional Fire Mapping
Southern Fire Exchange maintains a list of online resources, archived webinars, and trainings including NWCG and non-NWCG resources on topics including smoke management, general prescribed fire, and fire weather. Many resources listed on this page are also included on SFE’s list.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Fire in the Field online trainings are offered online or by CD-ROM, and are recognized by many states as NWCG training equivalents.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials