Register and submit abstracts for the 2025 SE Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems Workshop
January 7-9, 2025
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Outcomes from Delivery of NRCS's WLFW-Bobwhite in Managed Pine Savannahs
In 2016, the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Working Lands for Wildlife partnership began funding management activities designed to enhance, restore, and protect bobwhites habitat on private lands. Through the WLFW program, NRCS is able to assist landowners to voluntarily create and maintain bobwhite habitat in order to support the range-wide recovery of the species. In 2018, NRCS entered into an agreement with the University of Georgia to assess habitat outcomes and bobwhite population response to our conservation actions.
n collaboration with the University of Georgia, NRCS is now looking to monitor some of these managed lands to help tease out habitat features that promote excellent bobwhite habitat. If possible, additional information (e.g., other forestry management actions employed) may also be collected through interviews with landowners and/or conservation partners.
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WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
Assessment of Native Grasses for Forage & Bobwhite Habitat
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, through its Center for Native Grasslands Management will conduct a study to evaluate the effectiveness of a working lands conservation model for enhancing northern bobwhite and other grasslands wildlife populations. Specifically, we will evaluate native grass forage production within fescue-belt landscapes to determine how effective this strategy is for improved survival and productivity of northern bobwhite and abundance of associated grassland bird species. The study will be conducted in cooperation with partner agencies within the fescue belt.
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WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
Economic and Production Performance of Native Grasses as Forage in the Fescue Belt
The primary purpose of developing this literature review and summary was to inform producers about the potential benefits from utilizing warm-season grasses in the Fescue Belt. Effectively, managing forages is not always straightforward for livestock producers. Summarizing the economic and production benefits from using warm-season grasses could help producers make more informed forage management decision and might encourage producers to consider adopting warm-season grasses. Furthermore, this literature review also gathered information about the potential benefits of using native grasslands as forage to the quail population in this region, which could likely result in an economic benefit to the producer from leasing farmland to hunters.
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WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
Gopher Tortoise
NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to help agricultural producers voluntarily conserve gopher tortoise habitat on private lands. This assistance helps producers plan and implement a variety of conservation activities, or practices, that benefit the tortoise and support forestry operations.
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Landscapes & Wildlife
Monarch Butterfly
NRCS is working with America's farmers, ranchers, and forest managers on voluntary conservation efforts to combat the decline of monarchs on private lands by establishing new habitat and managing existing habitat for monarchs and pollinators.
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Landscapes & Wildlife
The Nature Conservancy Private Lands Conservation
The Nature Conservancy works to establish local groups that can protect land. Private lands conservation is an innovative tactic that leverages the increasing interest of the private sector to take part in conservation. TNC works with landowners, communities, cooperatives and businesses to establish local groups that can protect land. Some of the main tools used to achieve these goals include land trusts, conservation easements, private reserves and incentives.
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Landowner Information
Landowner Resources
Defenders of Wildlife Private Lands Conservation
Defenders works with private landowners, land trusts and other partners to communicate, educate and apply conservation and restoration techniques on the ground habitat to advance species recovery and wildlife coexistence on private lands nationwide.
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Landowner Information
Landowner Resources
Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership
The Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership enables NRCS and the Forest Service to collaborate with agricultural producers and forest landowners to invest in conservation and restoration at a big enough scale to make a difference.
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Landowner Information
Landowner Resources
The Nature Conservancy Nature Lab
Nature is the fantastic factory that makes the building blocks of all our lives—food, drinking water, the stuff we own, and the air we breathe. That’s why The Nature Conservancy and its 550 scientists have created Nature Lab: to help students learn the science behind how nature works for us and how we can help keep it running strong.
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Learning & Tech Transfer
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