Forest Management for bobwhites
Trees play an important role in the well-being of bobwhites. Michael Hook of the SCDNR talks about how to manage forested land for both bobwhites and dollars.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Bobwhite Quail Seminar Series
Forest Management for Northern Bobwhite Quail
In this webinar, Steve Chapman, NBCI Forestry Coordinator, will discuss pine forest management opportunities and practices that can not only help to bring back the bobwhite but also can have an impact on slowing the decline of those numerous songbird, pollinator and other wildlife species.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
NBCI Bobwhite Seminars
Forests Protect Our Waterways
Healthy waterways are at the heart of thriving landscapes, and as a landowner, you play a crucial role in keeping these waterways clean and vibrant. Streams and rivers do more than carry water; they nourish crops, support livestock and wildlife, and help maintain the health of our communities. One of nature's most effective guardians of these waterways is the riparian buffer—a belt of trees, shrubs, and grasses alongside rivers and streams. These forested buffers are powerful natural solutions that filter pollution, stabilize stream banks, and provide vital habitats for many species—all while adding value to your land.
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Freshwater Network Northeast Region: Northeast Aquatic Connectivity Project's Tool
Tool for assessing barriers to aquatic connectivity including dams and road-stream crossings.
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Learning & Tech Transfer
Apps, Maps, & Data
From Flames to Forests: Past, Present, and Future Fires for Sustaining Our Forests and Wildlife
This webinar will feature some of the leading researchers and practitioners in fire science to help us understand how to manage our forests with fire under challenging circumstances.
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News & Announcements
WLFW Events Inbox
FY17-21 WLFW-Northern bobwhite Map
This map was current as of FY21 for NRCS WLFW-Northern bobwhite but updated for FY22 based on the NRCS state offices that opted into the Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Framework partnership (by FY22 there will be 24 states).
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Maps and Spatial Data
FY21 WLFW-GWWA Project Boundary
Updated to include new priority areas in NY.
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Information Materials
Maps & Data
General/Terrestrial Ranking Guidance (GA example)
Whether a NRCS state has ranking fund pools or guidance that is bobwhite specific varies, many simply have a terrestrial ranking/funding pool. This is an example of ranking guidance for a general terrestrial sign-up in Georgia.
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NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials
Screening & Ranking
Georgia Priority Area Shapefiles
Northern Bobwhite Priority Area Shapefiles
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Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles
Good for Bobwhite, Good for Cattle
America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners are continuing to show how wildlife and working lands can prosper together. Let NRCS develop a comprehensive, resource conservation plan for your grazing operation and the northern bobwhite.
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Published Materials