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Interested in learning how to conduct a safe and effective prescribed burn? Enroll in the OSU Extension Introduction to Prescribed Fire online course to learn best practices for conducting a safe and effective burn. The course features interactive learning activities and custom videos.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
This course provides instruction in the primary factors affecting the start and spread of wildfire and recognition of potentially hazardous situations. The material is broken into three online modules (one to three hours each).
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service exposes students to human performance concepts as part of basic wildland firefighter training.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Wildland-Urban Interface Conference 2023
Learn how to minimize and manage threats in the WUI at the Wildland-Urban Interface Conference. Three essential tracks ensure you and your team get everything you need. Get the latest on Fire Adapted Communities, operations & suppression, and wildland fire policy & tools. Get it all at the WUI conference before the next fire season strikes.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Fire Leadership for Women: Three 20-Day Training Opportunities in 2023
During the 20-day session, participants will experience 10 - 12 days of hands-on burning in complex situations as wildland urban interface, various fuel types, and will work for several different agencies with unique management objectives.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
This course places an emphasis on fire behavior, how to employ the correct firing technique, and equipment & safety. After successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to schedule your official exam and field component to apply to become a Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager (CIPBM) from TDA.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Texas Prescribed Burn Workshop 4-day Course in 2023
Meets Training and Testing requirement for Board Certified TDA prescribed burn manager certification.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
The Nature Conservancy has conducted over 100 fire training sessions since 1986. Having served more than 3,700 students to date, the Conservancy has earned a reputation for its innovative, experiential approach to learning and dynamic, interagency cadre and student bodies.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Learn about the importance of a burn plan, view a filled out burn plan, and access a template you can use in your own prescribed burning efforts.
Located in Training / Prescribed Burning and Burn Plans
The Southern Fire Exchange disseminates fire research results and information through fact sheets, the Fire Lines newsletter, presentations, and research syntheses. The topics covered in SFE products are identified through needs assessments, surveys, and by the SFE Advisory Board. SFE also works with partners to identify critical fire science research needs for the Southern region.
Located in Training / Publications, fact sheets, training materials