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May 2019 TRBN Partner Spotlight
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission is the state government agency created by the General Assembly in 1947 to conserve and sustain the state’s fish and wildlife resources through research, scientific management, wise use and public input. NCWRC is an active member of the Tennessee River Basin Network. Read more to learn about one of our Network members, Luke Etchison, and to learn more about the organization he represents and why they participate in TRBN. Thanks NCWRC for sitting at the table with us!
Image C source code NCWRC
NWRC images for may 2019 newsletter
Discover your Hidden Rivers
Image TennSEA image
collage of TennSEA pictures
Tennessee Student Environmental Alliance - Jan 2019 Partner Spotlight
Flint River Conservation Association
Gillian Bee visited with Susan 'Soos' Weber, founder and Chair of the Flint River Conservation Association. 2018 marks their 20th anniversary. Soos, and FRCA, have been active members of the Tennessee River Basin Network since 2016. Thanks for your participation, FRCA!
File Troff document 2018 TRBN Annual Meeting Summary Report
Here you can access and download the Summary Report for 2018's Annual Meeting.
Steering Commitee
Meet our Steering Committee
Image 2018 SC Member slide 2
pic of TRBN SC members
Image 2018 SC Member Slide One
pic of TRBN SC members