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Ellen Mecray

Mecray, Ellen

For the last four years, Ellen Mecray led strategic planning for NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research  and facilitated  inter-and intra-agency dialog and collaboration on climate science in New England. She is the lead for the North Atlantic Regional Collaboration Team’s Climate sub-team which consists of 20 people representing all of NOAA’s line offices and key regional partners. Prior to joining NOAA, Mecray was an oceanographer with the US Geological Survey’s Coastal and Marine Geology program in Woods Hole, MA. Her research interests include geochemistry and coastal contaminants as well as paleo-climatic reconstructions. She is published in a number of research journals including the Journal of Coastal ResearchEnvironmental Geology and Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Mecray holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from Colgate University and a master’s degree in geological oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. She is a member of the Geological Society of America, the American Geophysical Union, Geochemical Society, and Sigma Xi Honor Society.
