Greenhouse Gases in Agriculture and Forests
Dr. Grant Domke and Dr. Charles W. Rice discuss trends in GHG emissions over time, U.S. land sector GHG emissions and removals, the GHG emission intensity of agricultural commodities, and opportunities to reduce emissions and enhance soil carbon sequestration.
Technical Mitigation Options in Forests
Dr. Richard A. Birdsey, a Senior Scientist with the Woodwell Climate Research Center, discusses the forest carbon cycle, the role of U.S. forests in mitigating climate change and helping the U.S. meet its 2050 net zero greenhouse gas emissions goal, and how conditions in the future may impact this critical carbon sink.
Climate Extremes in Agriculture and Forests
Atmospheric CO2 in the atmosphere is now likely higher than at any point in the last two million years. The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 are interconnected, leading to changes in extremes in both weather and climate. USGS's Dr. Adam Terando discusses the consequences of changes in temperature, precipitation and drought to U.S. agriculture and forests, and approaches to adaptation.
Climate Effects and Adaption in Forests
Dr. Christopher J. Fettig, Dr. Maria K. Janowiak, and Dr. Jessica E. Halofsky discuss how climate change driven increases in temperature and variation in precipitation are impacting U.S. forests and the wide range of ecosystem services they provide, sharing opportunities to proactively address risks to forests, and providing concrete examples of adaptation strategies and tactics that can be leveraged by the federal government and private landowners.
Climate Effects on U.S. Agriculture and Forests
Climate change effects are already evident in U.S. forests and agroecosystems. We are on the cusp of additional and potentially more severe effects, primarily facilitated by increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events (drought, heavy rainfall, heat waves) and associated disturbances (wildfires, insect outbreaks).
Climate Change 101: The Foundational Science
Dr. Keith Dixon (NOAA) is an award winning science communicator with more than 30 years of experience as a research meteorologist and climate modeler. In the inaugural video of the climate seminar series, Dr. Dixon discusses what is known about our planet's changing climate, how that knowledge is developed, and how certain we are that humans are responsible for the change we are observing.
Climate Change Impact: Food Systems, Food Security, and Global Linkages
Food systems both impact and are affected by climate change. Emissions come not only from farming, but also from the processing, manufacturing, distribution, storage, sale, and preparation of food, and the disposal of food wastes. Likewise, climate change influences not just agriculture, but activities that occur throughout this larger system. In this talk, Dr. Peters will address the fundamental concepts of food systems and food security. He will explain how scientists estimate climate emissions from individual supply chains and from whole food systems. He will also consider case study examples of strategies for reducing emissions viewed both from the production and consumer ends of the food system.
Environmental Justice and Agriculture
Dr. Sacoby Wilson and Dr. Frank K. Lake provide definitions and examples of the links between environmental justice, traditional ecological knowledge, climate change, and agriculture and forestry.
NIFA's Information Webinar on Climate Change Programs
Rapidly changing climate is one of the most pressing issues facing farmers, ranchers, landowners, households and communities. To address these climate change challenges, individuals, families and communities need the best available science to plan for and implement climate-smart and resilient practices. n this webinar, National Program Leaders from each of the outlined programs gave a brief description of the program, proposal submission deadlines and other pertinent program information. This webinar is especially useful for project directors with climate based/climate emphasized research, Extension and education projects.