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Incorporating Climate Change into Systematic Conservation Planning

Incorporating Climate Change into Systematic Conservation Planning
The principles of systematic conservation planning are now widely used by governments and non-government organizations alike to develop biodiversity conservation plans for countries, states, regions, and ecoregions. Many of the species and ecosystems these plans were designed to conserve are now being affected by climate change, and there is a critical need to incorporate new and complementary approaches into these plans that will aid species and ecosystems in adjusting to potential climate change impacts. We propose five approaches to climate change adaptation that can be integrated into existing or new plans.

Publication Date: 2012

Credits: Groves, C. R., E. T. Game, M. G. Anderson, M. Cross, C. Enquist, Z. Ferdana, E. Girvetz, A. Gondor, K. R. Hall, J. Higgins, R. Marshall, K. Popper, S. Schill, and S. L. Shafer. 2012. Incorporating climate change into systematic conservation planning. Biodiversity and Conservation 21:1651-1671.

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