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Tennessee River Basin Network News-Issue 42-June 2023

A Tennessee River Basin where aquatic and human life thrives.

Dr. David Etnier (1938-2023)

Dr. David Etnier passed away peacefully on May 17, 2023, in Knoxville, TN. Dr. Etnier was a remarkable mentor and peer to a vast number of Tennessee River Basin Network members. We would like to provide a way for you to share a memory or kind word about Dr. Etnier to help celebrate his life and the amazing work he accomplished. All with be passed on to his family.


Call for Nominations
Help celebrate successes in the Tennessee River Basin by nominating a peer or organization dedicated to safeguarding aquatic life. Two recipients will receive a $5k cash prize and be announced and celebrated at our 2023 Annual Conference.

Hidden Rivers Film Tour
A huge thanks to Network partners who helped to plan and execute a film tour of Hidden Rivers throughout eastern Tennessee. Over 150 rural citizens attended these free film screening events. Surveys are in... 97% percent of attendees walked away with a stronger sense of pride of place for being a resident of Southern Appalachia!

People protect what they love!


Cannibalism in Hellbenders
A recent study has hypothesized that high frequencies of cannibalism of Hellbender eggs and larvae are linked to low forest cover.

Landscape Partnerships & Climate Change
A recent paper examines the experience of collaborative partnerships in dealing with climate change. The paper presents practices that appear to be most effective and makes recommendations that can accelerate and broaden the benefits of landscape conservation and restoration in meeting climate goals.


Webinar: Source Water Protection
On June 14, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm (eastern time), the Source Water Collaborative's (SWC) Conservation Programs and Forested Lands Subgroup is hosting this webinar to share information about two current opportunities to advance source water protection through the programs of our SWC member, USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

SE CASC Fellowship
Deadline: July 21st
The goal of the fellowship is to help state agencies and other partners across the Southeast access existing data and tools summarizing potential effects of climate change on species and habitats in ways that support integrating this information into wildlife action plans

SE Aquatics Fund
Deadline: July 18th
To help conserve habitats for aquatic species, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is soliciting proposals to restore watershed habitats and improve water quality in targeted river basins and watersheds of the Southeast.