Summary (Feb 19th) call
1) Worskshop Website: We reviewed materials on the Workshop website and provide Jean Brennan with some updates to make.
2) Stream Temperature Modelers Questionnaire: Folks liked the idea of the stream temperature questionnaire template. Folks made suggestions/edits/additions for Stream temperature Modelers questionnaire template. I made these updates and Jean re-posted. We would like to have a similar questionnaire for the brook trout modelers. Once we have finalized the questionnaires, then Jean Brennan's group can create an on-line form that can be completed by the modelers. With the on-line form, she will be able to summarize all of the results in a spreadsheet. Jean provided a "comments" heading where we can share comments about meeting materials
Action: Steve F., Rachel and others: We would like you and Rachel and anyone else to review the stream temperature questionnaire and provide feedback.
Action: Steve F. develop a similar template for the brook trout modelers
Action: Jean B and team. Once questionnaires are finalized, Jean's team will create an on-line form and we will ask modelers to go to form and complete on-line.
3) Other Workshops: we added information from previous workshops (stream temp summit I and II and NorEaST workshop. We would like to add any relevant information for any Brook trout workshops.
Action: Steve F. and Rachel provide links to information for any relevant brook trout meetings or workshops
4) Resource Materials: Reprints Jean set up a place where we can provide links to some of the relevant manuscripts and reports by the modelers. We need to add to this section.
Action: All --- provide Jean with links to relevant publications by modelers
5) Other links on web page. Jean added a place where we can putmodelers presentations, links to other relevant research, and links to aquatic resource managment and conservation planning tools/studies,etc.
Action: All -- provide Jean with relevant links or information for these other sections.
6) Meeting Breakout sessions: A concern was raised about how we handle break out sessions when we have folks wearing both stream temp and brook trout hats. We need to think through how to split up folks.
In particular, Ty Wagner is wearing both hats, as well as Ben Letcher. After the call, I asked both Ty and Ben what their thoughts were
From Ty: If you had separate break out sessions, I would stick with the brook trout modelers, as that is where most of my effort is these days (although I am very interested in the temp modeling and integrating the two). I do think that having separate break out groups (one for brook trout and one for temp) might be more productive compared to one large joint session. The two groups could then get back together and share thoughts/ideas. I just think that, for this initial workshop of getting everyone together, that one large session would have a greater tendency to get sidetracked or become less focused. Just my two cents though.
From Ben:This is kind of small meeting, right? I think it would be better to keep everyone together. Many people are working on both and I suspect that most would like to contribute to both.
Action: All -- we need to think through this meeting format and how we handle break-out sessions
7) Stream temperature modelers -- Presenters
Ben Letchers shop -- Ben indicated that Dan Hocking would probably give stream temp presentationTy Wagner indicated that he would give stream temp presentationNaomi Detenbeck -- I have emailed Naomi to confirm her participation
Other possible stream temp presenters
-NorEaST: we discussed having a presention about NorEaST. This could include an overview or focus more on how it can feed data to modeling efforts such as Ben Letcher's SHEDS. I would present this.
-Wisconsin Stream Temperature model- This is not northeast, but approach we used in Wisconsin was done across entire Great Lakes basin as part of UMGL LCC funded project and we are delivering results through FishVis Mapper. We predicted daily summertime stream temperature and summarized on mapper as July mean thermal class. Also linked with GCMs to project future stream temperature. See attached jpg and link to FishVis mapper.
- Jim McKenna has developed two different New York Stream temperature models-Jennifer Jacobs -- I have not had any responses from Jennifer Jacobs-Others??? -- Are there others working in New England, Northeast, or coastal areas?
Action: All -- need feedback -- Does this cover all? Or are we missing someone important as a presenter? At bottom of email -- Dave Armstrong provided other thoughts on stream temperature modelers/efforts. Please take a look and let me know if any of these folks are key to our workshop.
8) Brook Trout modelers - Presenters Folks I have on the list for presentations. Does this cover all?-Ben Letcher-Ty Wagner-Than Hitt-Todd Petty
9) Pre-Record Presenters. Jean offered that we could pre-record presenters and post on web-site. I asked Ty and Ben their thoughts on this. Ty was concerned about the timing and how far advance. Ben wasn't sure of the value of this. It would however, be good to record at the meeting, so this would be available to folks who could not attend or at a later date.
10) USGS conference database -- workshop is set up in conference database -- Action: all USGS -- Jana, Steve, Rachel -- need to make sure USGS attendees get signed up ASAP
11) Meeting Invitation -- We should prepare a meeting invitation that we can send out soon to make sure all invitees have this on their calendars sooner than later, particularly if they need to get approval. We should also create and review list of invitees. We have talked about a lot of folks and have those listed on our initial doodle but have not finalized a list
12) Stream temperature modelers / efforts - provided by Dave Armstrong
Action: All ---- provide thoughts about bringing any of these folks in to the workshop
Here are some folks doing temperature modelling you may want to contact:
Jason Vokoun
University of Connecticut
U-4087, 1376 Storrs Road
Storrs, CT 06269-4087
Room #223B
Tel: (860) 486-0141
Fax: (860) 486-5408
One of Jason's PhD students did a lot of modelling in New England,
worked with Ben Letcher, but recently moved to a job at Clemson:
Yoichiro Kanno
Assistant Professor, Fisheries Ecology
Clemson University
School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences
216 Lehotsky Hall
Email: Office: 864-656-1645
Donna Parish U. S. Geological Survey, Vermont CooperativeFish and Wildlife Research Unit, RubensteinSchool of Environment and Natural Resources,University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USAe-mail:
...You may want to consider contacting the other F&W Coop folks in New England and NY. I know Allison has a student working on stream temperature...Allison Roy (UMass), Joseph Zydlewski (UMaine)
Angela Fuller (Cornell)
Another potential contact:
Michael Kashiwagi
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Monitoring & Non-Tidal Assessment Division
580 Taylor Avenue, C-2
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
If you're not already, you may also want to include
Daren Carlisle
b/c of the work he has done with Chuck Hawkins and Ryan Hill
Finally, there are also several temperature modellers in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario whose articles I follow and whose models may well apply in Northern New England and the US. Not sure whether you'd want to cc them or not...
R. Allen Curry and Wendy Monk
Canadian Rivers Institute, P.O. Box 4400, 10 Bailey Drive, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5A3, Canada
Cindy Chu
University of Toronto Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Ramsay Wright Building, 25 Harbord Street Toronto, ON M5S 3G5Email:
Cindie Hebert,
Faculty of Engineering,
Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, B3J 2X4, Canada
Daniel Cassie
Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
Science Branch
Diadromous Fish Section,
343 Université Avenue
Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6, Canada