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[Event] Brook Trout and Stream Temperature Modeling Workshop

April 7th and 8th -- Stream Temperature Modeling Workshop Meeting in Hadley MA.
When Apr 07, 2015 08:00 AM UTC to
Apr 08, 2015 05:30 PM UTC
Where Hadley Massachusettes
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This event is the 3rd in a series of workshops to support the science and management information needs of Northeast aquatic resource community, with specific focus on stream temperature modeling relevant to cold, high-elevation stream habitat supporting native brook trout populations.

The workshop is being sponsored by the USGS NE Area Office in support of the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture partnership, and the North Atlantic and Appalachian LCC communities.

Workshop Organizers: Jana Stewart, Scott Schwenk, Rachel Muir, Ralph Abele, Stephen Perry, Stephen Faulkner, Karen Murray, Jean Brennan