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SECAS Third Thursday Web Forum January 18th 10:00 am ET

Join us on Thursday for a special webinar co-hosted with the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center! This web forum features multiple staff of the Atlanta Botanical Garden and the Southeast Plant Conservation Alliance.
When Jan 18, 2024
from 10:00 AM US/Eastern to 11:00 AM US/Eastern
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The Southeastern plant Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need (RSGCN) list is the first of its kind in the U.S. The Atlanta Botanical Garden (ABG) coordinated the creation of this list, on behalf of the Southeastern Plant Conservation Alliance (SE PCA), by working with experts across the region. Project partners include the NatureServe Network, Terwilliger Consulting, Inc., Flora of the Southeastern United States, and the Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) Wildlife Diversity Committee. The Southeastern plant RSGCN list presents species of conservation concern with regional responsibility and opportunity for collaboration, identifies high level threats and needs, and sets actionable priorities for rare plants across political boundaries. 

This project is moving the dial forward for plant conservation at the regional and national levels by highlighting the critical role of plants in the face of our changing climate and integrating these activities with broader efforts to conserve wildlife. Identification of ecological systems will inform potential Conservation Opportunity Areas that can be addressed by State & Tribal wildlife plans and grants, as well as future iterations of the Southeastern animal RSGCN. These tools will promote more holistic conservation and set the stage for more inclusive and comprehensive and effective landscape conservation. 

As always, we record these web forums. The recording and slides will be available afterward on the calendar event.

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