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South Atlantic Third Thursday Web Forum

Join us on Thursday for a presentation by Mark Anderson and Melissa Clark of TNC's Center for Resilient Conservation Science Team.
When Jan 20, 2022
from 10:00 AM US/Eastern to 11:00 AM US/Eastern
Attendees Mark Anderson
Melissa Clark
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TNC's climate resilience analysis uses geology, topoclimates, and local connectedness to assess land as to its relative resilience to climate change. While the geology and topography are stable over time, the local connectedness is dynamic and shifts in concert with patterns of development, energy infrastructure, roads, and land cover change. In this webinar, Mark and Melissa will review a regionwide upgrade to the local connectedness data completed over the last year. Results highlight changes that have both increased and decreased the resilience of specific places. They will also highlight the new carbon data layers added to the Resilient Land Mapping tool to help conservationists assess the carbon implications of their land conservation and management.

As always, we record these web forums. The recording and slides will be available afterward on the calendar event.

More information about this event…

Filed under: Web Conference, Events, TNC