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Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Showcase

The Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) is one of 18 habitat Joint Venture partnerships in the United States. It is comprised of state and federal government agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, and industries that work together to prioritize and coordinate conservation activities while building upon scientific knowledge. The AMJV seeks to coordinate with and assist partners in prioritizing which species and habitats to focus on for conservation, where their on-the-ground projects will have the highest return on investments, and how much habitat is needed to sustain populations of priority species.

Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Showcase


For AMJV Showcase Page

Recently Protected Jewel on the Crown of the Roan

We finally sealed the deal on a treasured 76-acre piece of the Roan landscape just below Carver’s Gap, a popular access point for the Appalachian Trail! In so doing, we have protected scenic views and hiking experiences for future generations to enjoy along the trail — and honored a civic leader of Spruce Pine who committed a lifetime to serving his rural mountain community.

DEC Seeking Landowners To Assist With Wild Turkey Research

A third year of a research project on wild turkey survival to help improve the management of this popular game bird will kick off in January, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens today announced.

New George Washington National Forest Plan

The USDA Forest Service’s new land and resource management plan for the George Washington National Forest, released today, will help conserve and restore a core network of resilient forests and improve healthy watersheds, while demonstrating the value of public collaboration on similar projects.

International Wood Thrush Conservation Alliance

The International Wood Thrush Conservation Alliance (Alliance) is a consortium of scientists and conservation biologists from academic institutions, agencies, and non-profits in Central and North America. It is focused on conserving Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) populations using the best available science and raising awareness about the conservation needs of associated forest birds and their habitats. Our specific mission is to ensure the long-term viability of Wood Thrush populations and the habitats on which they depend through science-based, full life cycle conservation planning, management, and education.

State of the Birds 2014

The State of the Birds 2014 report finds populations declining across key habitats. It also reveals successes, including work of AMJV partners, where conservation investment is leading to recovery.


For AMJV Showcase PageNorth American Migratory Bird Joint Ventures: 25 Years

Migratory Bird Joint Ventures are cooperative, regional partnerships that work to conserve habitat for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people.

Flight 93 Memorial Site Habitat Restoration

The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative is hard at work reestablishing native forests on former coal mining sites throughout Appalachia. The Flight 93 Memorial in Storystown, PA is one of these sites.

USFWS Migratory Bird Program

This short video gives an overview of the Migratory Bird Program and the work we do conserving America's birds for present and future generations.

Shade Grown Coffee: Saving Migratory Birds of North and Latin Americas

Many migratory birds that breed in the Appalachians winter in tropical forests in Latin America. These tropical forests are increasingly threatened due to encroachment from coffee farms that eliminate shade trees that wildlife depends on.

The Importance of Southern Appalachian Bogs to Birds

Southern Appalachian bogs are an extremely rare habitat type. In this video, Service biologist Sue Cameron discusses the importance of bogs to a variety of birds.