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You are here: Home / LP Members / Organizations Search / Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Wildlife Resources Division

Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Wildlife Resources Division

Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Wildlife Resources Division
Address 2070 U.S. Highway 278 S.E.
City Social Circle
State / Province Georgia
Country U.S.A.
Postal Code 30025
Website Link to website
Phone (770) 761-3035
Fax (706) 557-3030
Partnership types

Carries out the Department of Natural Resource's (DNR) mission to enhance and conserve Georgia’s natural, historic, and cultural resources. As one of six divisions within DNR, the Wildlife Resources Division is charged with conserving and promoting Georgia’s wildlife resources, including game and nongame animals, fish, and protected plants.

WLFW , Migratory Bird , State , Eastern Box Turtle , Golden-Winged Warbler , Eastern Deciduous Forests , State Agencies , Eastern Hellbender