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Gopher Tortoise Council

Gopher Tortoise Council
Address PO Box 241
City Safety Harbor
State / Province FL
Country USA
Postal Code 34695
Website Link to website
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The Gopher Tortoise Council was formed in 1978 by a group of southeastern biologists and other citizens concerned with the decline of the gopher tortoise. The goals of the Council are: (1) to offer professional advice for management, conservation, and protection of gopher tortoises; (2) to encourage the study of the life history, ecology, behavior, physiology, and management of gopher tortoises and other upland species; (3) to conduct active public information and conservation education programs; (4) to seek effective protection of the gopher tortoise and other upland species throughout the southeastern United States.

Conservation organizations , WLFW , Gopher Tortoise , Fire , Prescribed fire , NGO , NWSG , Wildland Fire , Regional Partnerships , SE FireMap , Working Lands for Wildlife , Education , Longleaf Pine