ACP Project Manager WG
ACP Work Group 3. Plan for project manager. Work Group: Jon Gasset (WMI, service fees apply) lead. Participants: Bridgett Costanzo (NRCS), Paul Johansen (WV DNR). Focus: i. Propose/draft a scope of work for this type of support
ii. Seek money and fitting person
ACP Work Group 4. Evaluation of existing tools and their value to Partner Organizations
Work Group: Ray Albright (NPS-SE) lead. Participants: Jason Duke(from Region-4 per Bill Uihlein), Perry Wheelock (NPS-NCR), Danny Lee (USFS-SRS). Focus:
i. Evaluate how each tool will fit within agencies’ work
ii. How does it apply at the management level?
ACP Work Group 4. Evaluation of existing tools and their value to Partner Organizations - Read More…