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You are here: Home / Projects / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 09-26-2014

Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 09-26-2014

Agenda, materials, and notes for September core team meeting.

Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Meeting, 09-26-2014

Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for September 26th Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting in

Hadley, Massachusetts

September 26, 2014, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held at the Hadley Farms Meeting House, off Route 9 in the Hampton Village Cottage Shops area. The address is 41 Russell St., Hadley, MA 01035

Review materials from the August Core Team Meeting

Watch or download presentation on Connectivity in Landscape Conservation Design (Kevin McGarigal, UMass)

Download document detailing key decisions both completed and pending for the Pilot - updated 9/26/2014

View recorded webinar of this meeting

Instructions for accessing mapping website in NALCC Conservation Planning Atlas (DataBasin)

Notes/Summary from Meeting

TimeAgenda ItemsLinks to Related ContentWebinar Start Time
10:00 Welcome/Updates (Nancy McGarigal) 0:00
10:05 Terrestrial/Wetlands Subteam Update (Randy Dettmers) Download Slides 1:40
10:15 Aquatics Subteam Update (Andrew MacLachlan) 14:45
10:25 Overview of Databasin (Scott Schwenk) 24:00
10:35 Presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) on core areas delineated using the species-based approach Download presentation as a PDF 37:50
12:05 Break
12:20 Reconvene in separate breakout groups


Core Area Questions
Excel Stats
Species Weighting Matrix
Core Area for Review
Webinar and conference line information for full core team session: 
Topic: CT River Pilot 
Date: Friday, September 26, 2014 
Time: 10:00 am  
Meeting Number: 742 766 251 
Meeting Password: 123 
To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!) 
1. Go to 
2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: 123 
4. Click "Join". 

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: 

To join the teleconference only 
PHONE:  1-866-905-1137 
Webinar and conference line information for the aquatics subteam break out session:  
Topic: Aquatics Breakout Session 
Date: Friday, September 26, 2014 
Time: 11:30 am
Meeting Number: 744 186 937 
Meeting Password: 123 

To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!) 
1. Go to 
2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: 123 
4. Click "Join". 

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: 

To join the teleconference only 
Phone Number: 866-703-6141 
Participant Passcode: 7242137 
Leader Passcode:  4251963 

Document: Key Decisions Document, Updated 09-26-2014

Running list of decisions made and to be made on the Connecticut River Pilot Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project
Running list of decisions made and to be made on the Connecticut River Pilot Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project

Publication Date: 2014

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 205 kB (210,784 bytes)

Document: Terrestrial/Wetlands Subteam Update, 09-26-2014

Subteam update for September Core Team Meeting
Subteam update for September Core Team Meeting

Publication Date: 2014

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 68 kB (69,804 bytes)

Presentation: Species-based approach to Conservation Design

Presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) on the species-based (as opposed to ecosystem-based) approach to the Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design
Presentation: Species-based approach to Conservation Design
Presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) on the species-based (as opposed to ecosystem-based) approach to the Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design

Publication Date: 2014

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 18,820 kB (19,271,792 bytes)

Document: Notes from 09-26-2014 Core Team Meeting

Annotated notes from Kevin McGarigal's presentation and transcript of discussions by Core Team.
Annotated notes from Kevin McGarigal's presentation and transcript of discussions by Core Team.

Publication Date: 2014

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 338 kB (346,245 bytes)