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South Atlantic Blueprint Newsletter June 2020

Big improvements to Blueprint methods, forest retention analysis uses Blueprint, Piedmont prairie survey preview.

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Huge improvements coming in 2020 Blueprint

by Rua Mordecai, Coordinator, South Atlantic and Southeast Conservation Blueprints

Rua has mentioned previously that, with the improved indicators and new 30 m resolution, the 2020 South Atlantic Blueprint is going to be a great improvement over the current version. A few weeks ago, we also made a big methodological breakthrough in how we use Zonation to create the Blueprint priorities. These new methods fix a ton of known issues and create a much more connected and cohesive set of priorities for a connected network of lands and waters.To read more about the upcoming draft of the 2020 Blueprint, >>check out Rua's blog...

Where the wild things are will be: Mapping the South’s future forest landscapes and the wildlife that depend on them

by Rachel Greene, Forest Data and Analysis Unit Leader, Tennessee Division of Forestry

The Keeping Forests as Forests initiative developed the “Mapping the South’s Forests of the Future” project to predict the likelihood of retaining forests and their associated biodiversity out to 2060. The project overlayed conservation priorities with data on projected development, timber harvests, key watersheds, sea level rise, and energy development. It included the Southeast Blueprint (which incorporates the South Atlantic Blueprint as one of its inputs) as a depiction of regional conservation priority. The results of the project were recently published in Journal of Forestry. To read more, >>visit this guest blog by Rachel Greene...