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Operational Plan

The Appalachian LCC Operational Plan provides an overview on the conservation challenges in the Appalachian region, identifies the members of the conservation science and management communities, and presents the Science Needs and specific conservation targets and goals to meet landscape conservation objectives as identified in the Steering Committee's 5-Year Work Plan.
Landscape Partnership

SECTION 1:Biodiversity and Conservation Challenges across the Appalachian Community

An introduction to the Appalachian region.

Landscape Partnership

SECTION 2: Science Capacity within the Appalachian Community

Advancements in data integration across agencies, scientific and technological disciplines, and geographic and political boundaries.  These include geospatial data, such as water quantity and quality, soils, vegetative cover and land use, invasive species distributions, and trends of native animal and plant populations.

Landscape Partnership

SECTION 3: Management Capacity within the Appalachian Community

Federal, state and tribal organizations.

Landscape Partnership

SECTION 4: Cooperative Governance and Decision-making

This governance charter authorizes the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee to provide operational oversight to make programmatic, policy, and funding decisions.

Landscape Partnership

SECTION 5: Conservation Priorities Science Needs

Researchers and managers representing a diverse cross-section of expertise and affiliations contributed to identifying the science information needs of Appalachia in order to effectively address the conservation challenges and opportunities across the landscape.

Landscape Partnership

SECTION 6: Operations - 5-Year Work Plan

This report represents the result of the Cooperative Steering Committee and Key Partners to produce a collaborative, integrated, and science-driven 5-Year Work Plan.



Table of Contents

Section 2:

Science Capacity within the Appalachian Community Federal Departments/Agencies

Science Capacities within DOI


Regional Collaborative Science Partnerships or Initiatives


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Section 4.
Cooperative Governance and Decision-making


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Filed under: Climate Change