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USGS Cooperative Research Units

Cooperative Research Units conduct research on renewable natural resource questions, participate in the education of graduate students, provide technical assistance and consultation on natural resource issues, and provide continuing education for natural resource professionals. There are 40 Cooperative Research Units in 38 states. Each unit is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, a State natural resource agency, a host university, and the Wildlife Management Institute.

Below are the USGS Cooperative Research Units located in the states that are within the boundaries of the ALCC and working on a variety of topics depending on partner interests and staff expertise (see Table below):

Unit Name (Location)



Alabama (Auburn University)

Irwin - Lotic fish ecology and management; adaptive management of natural resources; landscape ecology; conservation of aquatic natural resources

Grand - Ornithology; Waterfowl Ecology;Population Biology & Management.



McGowen - conservation and management decision support science; endangered species and birds (especially shorebirds); population and ecological modeling

Georgia (University of Georgia)

Jennings - Fish ecology; Conservation biology

Conroy - Ecology and Wildife Management; Population Dynamics; Biostatistics


Peterson - Aquatic ecology and stream fish communities; Physical and biotic factors at multiple scales.; Population dynamics; Fish-habitat/landscape relationships; Evaluation of collection and population-estimation techniques


Maryland (University of Maryland - Eastern Shore)*



New York (Cornell University)

Fisher - Modeling species-environment relationship; Evaluating environmental flows in rivers; Sampling design and methodology; Application of geotechnology

Fuller - Landscape ecology; Community ecology;  Conservation biology

North Carolina (North Carolina State University)

Hightower - Anadromous fish ecology; Hydroacoustics; Population dynamics

Collazo - Demographic Processes and Conservation; Species-habitat relationships; Endangered Species Conservation


Kwak - Fish ecology and management; Conservation ecology; Production biology; Rare, imperiled, and invasive aquatic species

Simons - Avian ecology; Wildlife biology; Conservation biology

Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania State University)

Wagner -Fisheries ecology; Multiple spatial-scale assessment of aquatic resources; land-water interactions; hierarchical modeling

Diefenbach - Wildlife ecology; Estimation of population parameters; Harvest management of game populations

Tennessee (Tennessee Tech University)

Layzer - Stream regulation on aquatic biota; Ecology and conservation of freshwater mussels; Restoring and maintaining aquatic biodiversity; Ecology of stream fishes



Bettoli - Evaluating stocking programs using OTC marking and coded wire tagging technology; Catch-and-release mortality; Effects of water level fluctuations on fish recruitment in reservoir ecosystems; Dynamics of exploited fish populations; Management and ecology of imperiled fishes


Virginia (Virginia Tech)

Angermeier - Stream fish communities; assessing quality of aquatic resources; conservation of aquatic systems

Ford - Wildlife habitat interactions (forest management and prescribed fire); white-tailed deer management; ecology and management of bats; non-volant small mammals and woodland salamanders;  high-elevation/relict forest management and restoration in the Appalachians

West Virginia (West Virginia University)

Mazik - Fish physiology and toxicology

Wood - Wildlife Ecology


Welsh - Fisheries management