Webinars and Videos
You can customize your learning with a selection of webinars and videos about landscape conservation and working lands. View the videos you want – on your own schedule.
Native plants and bobwhites
Why are native plants so vital to bobwhites? TJ Savereno of Clemson Extension answers this question and gives a solid introduction to each type of plant and where its value lies. He also covers the proper mix of each type for your property.
Q&A Session: Bridgett Costanzo, Dr. Jessica McGuire & Dr. James Martin
Question & Answer session at the end of the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Partnership Meeting. February 24th, 2021.
Perspectives & Tips on Field Delivery of WLFW-NOBO: Dr. Jessica McGuire
Dr. Jessica McGuire presenting at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grassland and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 24th, 2021. Jessica is the Quail Forever National Coordinator for WLFW NOBO.
Northern Bobwhite Trends and Landscape Needs: Dr. James Martin
Dr. James Martin speaking at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 24, 2021. James is an Associate Professor at the University of Georgia.
Progress, Goal-Setting Spreadsheet, & Next Steps: Bridgett Costanzo
Bridgett Costanzo presenting at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 24, 2021. Bridgett is the Regional Coordinator for WLFW, NRCS
Forest Certification and Quail Conservation: What’s the Intersection?: Paul Trianosky
Paul Trianosky speaking at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. Paul is the Chief Conservation Officer at Sustainable Forestry Initiative.
Partnerships Help Profitability, Sustainability in Cotton Farming: Dr. Jesse Daystar
Dr. Jesse Daystar speaks at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. Jesse is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Cotton Incorporated.
Partnerships in Conservation: Linking economics and wildlife habitat in on-farm program delivery: Kira Everhart-Valentine
Kira Everhart-Valentine speaking at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. Kira is the Sustainability Director of the United Sorghum Checkoff Program.
WLFW Field Perspective: J.B. Daniel
J.B. Daniel presenting at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. J.B. is a grazing specialist with NRCS.
The Economics of Grazing Native Warm Season Grasses: Dr. Pat Keyser
Dr. Pat Keyser speaking at the Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. Feb 23, 2021. Pat is a professor and the Director of the Center for Native Grassland Management at the University of Tennessee.
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever: The Habitat Organization: Ryan Heiniger
Ryan Heiniger speaking about precision agriculture at the Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. Ryan is the Director of Agriculture and Conservation Innovation at Pheasant Forever/Quail Forever.
Precision Agriculture and Conservation Opportunities: Dr. Mark McConnell
Dr. Mark McConnell presenting at the Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting on February 23, 2021. Mark is an Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management at Mississippi State University.
History and Trends in Native Grasslands & Savannas of the Midwest and East
Dwayne Estes' opening talk for the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting February 23-24th. Dr. Dwayne Estes is an Associate Professor at Austin Peay State University and is the Executive Director of the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative
Planting Native Grasses: Missouri Forage and Livestock Series
Pat Keyser (University of Tennessee) and Rick Rath (Missouri Department of Conservation) share about establishing and managing native grasses on pasture lands. Native grasses benefit not only livestock, but wildlife too. This webinar can help practitioners and landowners alike. Filmed January 20, 2021 - Missouri Forage and Livestock Series
Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites w/ Jef Hodges
Day 2, Session 2. Native Warm-Season Grasses Webinar with Dr. Pat Keyser and Jef Hodges. Presented December 2, 2021.
NWSG Forage Management Made Easy w/ Dr. Pat Keyser
Day 2, Session 1. Native Warm-Season Grasses Webinar with Dr. Pat Keyser and Jef Hodges. Presented December 2, 2021.
Establishing Native Grass Forages:A Brief Overview w/ Dr. Pat Keyser
Day 1, Session 2. Native Warm-Season Grasses Webinar with Dr. Pat Keyser and Jef Hodges. Presented December 1, 2021.
Business Case for NWSG Forages w/ Dr. Pat Keyser
Day 1, Session 1. Native Warm-Season Grasses Webinar with Dr. Pat Keyser and Jef Hodges. Presented December 1, 2021.
Video: Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) Workspaces
The Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) program develops win-win approaches with producers and private landowners. WLFW partners understand that collaboration is critical to enhance wildlife habitat and improve agriculture and forest productivity. We can continue to strengthen collaboration -- especially between technical experts from federal and state agencies and non-government partner staff -- through the WLFW workspaces. The WLFW workspaces provide online infrastructure and space for partners to share their expertise with one another, exchange resources and ideas, and plan work together on a certain species, a given habitat or land use, or a specific project. A subset of the resources here are available to producers, landowners, and communities who are interested in, or involved with, the WLFW program.
Forage for Beef and Bobs
Learn about the benefits of native grasses for beef cattle production and wildlife in Virginia. This short video (4 min) is especially relevant for beef producers and farmers. Brought to you NRCS Virginia.