Working with Partners
Partner Showcase
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture
Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Recognizing that the threats to our natural and cultural resources - urban growth, climate change, habitat loss, invasive species - are bigger than any one organization can address, resource managers and partners formed the Landscape Partnership. The partnership includes federal and state agencies, tribes, non-governmental organizations, and other species-specific partnerships like migratory bird joint ventures and fish habitat partnerships.
Our Partner Showcase pages offer enhanced visibility for partners to highlight their major projects and accomplishments to our conservation community while detailing the relationship between the individual partners. Pages are automatically updated by integrating RSS Feeds into our Web Portal, ensuring new updates on a partner’s websites will also replicate on their showcase page. Partners with less online visibility may also manually control these pages and populate with content to increase communications.
If interested in developing a showcase page for your organization, contact Bridgett Costanzo.