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Research Journals
As compared to wildfire, there are significantly fewer research studies that focus on prescribed burning. This gap in the research and the need to address it was highlighted by fire scientists from across the country in a recent Forum article in Fire Ecology and Southern Fire exchange webinar.
Research Journals
SE FireMap Fact Sheet - 1.0 Technical Version
This document highlights the overall SE FireMap initiative – offering a technical summary of the project’s background, development process, timeline, and objectives.
Resource Library
SE FireMap Project Documents
Scoping Technical Oversight Team Documents (2019 - 2021)
Questions and Answers-SE FireMap Phase II: Developing the Decision Support System
Question and Answer transcript of the Q&A SE FireMap Phase II: Developing the Decision Support System webinar.
SE FireMap Version 1.0 Web Viewer Original
Gateway Tool
Gateway Tool
SE Firemap Fact Sheet cover
SE Firemap Fact Sheet cover art.
SE FireMap V-1 Product Feedback
SE FireMap Version 1.0 Data Use Agreement
This agreement document provides details on permitted uses, expectations and other conditions which may affect eligibility to download and utilize the data. Download and Submit this completed form to the following email:
Joint Fire Science Program Publications
The JFSP provides funding and science delivery for scientific studies associated with managing wildland fire, fuels, and fire-impacted ecosystems to respond to emerging needs of managers, practitioners, and policymakers from local to national levels.
NOAA is a leader in science and technology used by the wildland fire community, and is dedicated to understanding and predicting weather and climate to protect life and property.
Environmental Sciences Proceedings
Environmental Sciences Proceedings is an open access journal dedicated to publishing findings resulting from conferences, workshops, and similar events, in all areas of environmental sciences.
Wildland fires represent a challenging interdisciplinary problem and these topics and approaches to solving them are not exclusive. By focusing on a wide variety of approaches to study and mitigate the harmful effects of wildland fires, we hope to present a review of the state-of-the-art in the field through this open-access collection.
Atmosphere is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of scientific studies related to the atmosphere published monthly online.
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
The Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS) is an online journal that optimizes the communication of concepts, information, and progress within the remote sensing community to improve the societal benefit for monitoring and management of natural disasters, weather forecasting, agricultural and urban land-use planning, environmental quality monitoring, ecological restoration, and numerous other commercial and scientific applications.