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A Path Forward: Understanding and Restoring Degraded Forests A Working Lands for Wildlife Virtual Event
The impact of high-grading on forest wildlife in the Eastern deciduous forests.
Video stories about healthy forestry, private forest conservation, and associated science.
Online Training Resources
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Online Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Sometimes, the simplest things can help wildlife
Sad to say, but that wide-open home on the range that Bing Crosby sings about in Brewster Higley’s “Home on the Range” has been steadily diminishing with every passing decade as the Western landscape has been sliced and diced by roads and barbed-wire fences.
NRCS in Florida Announces Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Signup
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Florida has announced they are accepting applications from agricultural producers and forest landowners for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). While NRCS does accept ACEP applications year-round, producers and landowners should apply by December 31, 2021 to be considered for funding in the current cycle.
News & Events
[News articles on WLFW Target Species or related topics plus calendar of any events like workshops, field days, etc.]
Northern Bobwhite Quail Workshop Dates
In the News
Agenda for the Native Warm-Season Grass Forages And Grazing Management For Bobwhites
Webinar Agenda - WLFW Wednesday December 1-2 2021 2:00 – 3:40 PM EST
Prescribed Burning Content Google Doc
Workspace Art
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WLFW Video
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Needs Assessment: WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands & Savannas
NRCS staff and partners are both welcome to fill this form out to provide insights for WLFW and NRCS leadership. It may be important to have staff with varying expertise fill it out. However, we ask for only one person from each NRCS state office to indicate at the beginning of the form that they are the official designee. We welcome you to share the questionnaire with your field staff. Responses are due July 15th.
Burning in the Growing Season
Learn about the opportunities of using prescribed fire during the growing season in the warm Summer and Fall months. Prescribed fire can help livestock operations extend good forage later into the year. This factsheet designed for landowners and producers interested in prescribed fire and the practitioners that support them.
Oklahoma Burn Plan for Prescribed Burning
Learn about the importance of a burn plan, view a filled out burn plan, and access a template you can use in your own prescribed burning efforts.
Fire Prescriptions for Restoration and Maintenance of Native Plant Communities
Learn about how to use prescribed burning to enhance native ecosystems. This fact sheet outlines guidelines for prescribed burning in Oklahoma as well as recommended fire frequency, types on fuels and fuel moisture, and tips for safety management. Applicable to practitioners, producers, and landowners across the Great Plains that are interested in prescribed burning.
Smoke Management for Prescribed Burning
Smoke management is an important consideration when planning all prescribed burns. Learn about ways to best manage smoke before, during, and after a prescribed burn. Designed for practitioners, landowners, and others interested in prescribed burning.
Firebreaks for Prescribed Burning
Firebreaks are one of the most important elements of a properly conducted prescribed fire. Learn about the different kinds of firebreaks used in prescribed fire, how to build them, and how to prevent erosion after a prescribed burn. Resource designed for landowners, farmers, and producers interested in bringing fire to their land.