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Prescribed Burn Associations
Prescribed Burn Associations (PBAs) are groups of landowners and other interested people who form partnerships to pool their knowledge, equipment, and other resources to conduct prescribed fires. It can be very difficult for private landowners to gain the hands-on training needed to safely and effectively use prescribed fire.
Prescribed Burn Associations
Technical and Financial Assistance
Technical and Financial assistance is available to private forest landowners for prescribed burning from a variety of agencies and programs. In many states, state forestry agency professionals and private consultants are available to help burn your land, oftentimes for a fee, but which can be offset through the financial assistance programs.
Re: General Scoping Recommendations/Discussion
Initial thoughts on review paper shared by David Godwin - highlighting remote sensing methods/tech supporting wildland fire assessments; published April 30th, 2020. Great discussion of active fire VS fire effects mapping - tradeoffs of temporality vs resolution Interesting to consider potential geostationary satellite data as a resource - not sure if even viable/available in the SE FireMap "mission footprint"? May want to explore the referenced GEE algorithm for processing Landsat (8?) & Sentinel-2 data in scoping process. What type of machine learning, AI, neural network, etc., products out there could support an improved SE FireMap? Would it be sensible to consider potential integration of LIDAR, SAR, Optical fusion, etc. in training RS algorithms for SE FireMap?
Lucas Furman on Satellite Remote Sensing Contributions to Wildland Fire Science and Management
Please capture any feedback/comments on the portal discussion board here:[…]/849517521
Lucas Furman on USGS Landsat Burned Area algorithm and products journal article
Please capture any comments/feedback items in the discussion board here:[…]/849517521
Lucas Furman on Southern Fire Exchange Webinar
Please capture any feedback/comments in the portal discussion board here:[…]/849517521
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter June, 2020
Welcome to the Southeast CASC June 2020 Newsletter.
Prescribed Burning
Wildland Fire Training Resources
Healing from the Inside Out
Perspectives from the first Indigenous woman to ever serve as a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Native American liaison
2020.05.28 Scoping Webinar Discussion
Re: 2020.05.28 Scoping Webinar Discussion
Natureserve's project is an example of what the good map does not want to do. There is zero need to create another fire atlas. The minimal attributes was nice. In my experience users (viewers) of these datasets (or webmap) place trust in the person/organization who has compiled the data. They are there to see the data, not inspect it. Military Great example of an organization creating an authoritative dataset that needs to be leveraged. The graphs and pie charts were cool but I don't know if they would have any utility. I wasn't able to stick around for much of the Q and A but avoiding the kitchen sink cannot be understated. If you haven't reached out to the folks creating/running InFORM I encourage you to do so. Many of the federal agencies use this 'system' and depending on the outreach and lines of communication states do too.
Partner Engagement & Coordination
This discussion thread is available to help track outreach and feedback outside of the Technical Oversight Team. Please be specific with details to ensure appropriate context for potential follow-ups and sharing any feedback with the Scoping Vendor. Currently, the SERPPAS RX Fire Working Group is the primary platform for project updates. Once officially launched, the Landscape Partnership Portal's project page ( ) will be utilized to easily share news updates - currently under development with a target launch date of July 2020. The Southern Fire Exchange will also be hosting an informational webinar this summer to allow for secondary input and broader awareness amongst the fire community.
General Scoping Recommendations/Discussion
Current recommendations for Tall Timbers to investigate via scoping webinars are as follows: inFORM(, USGS BAECV, MTBS, active fire mapping applications.
May 28th Scoping Webinar Comments/Feedback/Discussion
Please utilize this forum space to capture feedback relating to our May 28th Scoping Webinar. Here is a link to the associated meeting records. If you have any questions or issues, let me know and I can walk you through how to comment, link, upload documents, etc. 850-776-7288
General TOT Scoping Recommendations & Feedback
This discussion space is intended to capture general feedback and discussion relating to the SEFireMap project. This allows the project team to easily engage in a collaborative discussion space and summarize feedback.
Lucas Furman on NatureServe Fire Geodatabase Slides
Additional documentation and associated project data can be found at the following links:[…]-effects-south-atlantic-lcc[…]/591dedd9e4b0a7fdb4408ddb[…]-open-pine-ecosystem-heal-0 Search on “NatureServe southern open pine” [...]
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter May 22, 2020
BeOutdoorSafe launches, agencies continue to grapple with COVID-19...
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