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2020.10.06 Scoping Webinar Discussion
2020.10.06 Scoping Webinar Discussion
Please utilize this forum space to capture your feedback/comments stemming from our October 6th Scoping Webinar. Here is a link to the associated meeting recording and slides. If you have any questions or issues, let me know and I can walk you through how to comment, link, upload documents, etc. -  850-776-7288
2020.06.30 Scoping Webinar Discussion
2020.06.30 Scoping Webinar Discussion
Please utilize this forum space to capture your feedback/comments stemming from our June 30th Scoping Webinar.  Here is a link to the associated meeting records. If you have any questions or issues, let me know and I can walk you through how to comment, link, upload documents, etc.Thanks! 850-776-7288
2020.05.28 Scoping Webinar Discussion
Re: 2020.05.28 Scoping Webinar Discussion
  Natureserve's project is an example of what the good map does not want to do.  There is zero need to create another fire atlas.  The minimal attributes was nice.  In my experience users (viewers) of these datasets (or webmap) place trust in the person/organization who has compiled the data.  They are there to see the data, not inspect it. Military Great example of an organization creating an authoritative dataset that needs to be leveraged.  The graphs and pie charts were cool but I don't know if they would have any utility.  I wasn't able to stick around for much of the Q and A but avoiding the kitchen sink cannot be understated. If you haven't reached out to the folks creating/running InFORM I encourage you to do so.  Many of the federal agencies use this 'system' and depending on the outreach and lines of communication states do too.    
Online Training Programs and Materials
Training Resources contains myriad online training materials for fire practitioners and others to build their skills and understanding of many subject areas as well as resources available for wildland fire professionals not included in a formal training course or module.
Online Training Programs and Materials
Training Resources contains a variety of online training materials available for fire practitioners and others to build their skills and understanding of many subject areas.
WLFW East Region Conservation Series
Tune in this Thursday, February 8th, at 11:30 am CST for the next webinar in our Conservation Series! This week's topic will cover "How to do a Pollinator Outreach Event" with speaker Cat Beall with Pheasants Forever. Register here:
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 9 Pollinators & Forestland-Underappreciated Pollinator Habitat
Session 9 of the WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Kass Urban-Mead, Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Xerces Society and a Partner Biologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This session focuses on the relationship of pollinators and forestland. Topics covered include an introduction to bee diversity and forest habitats, how bees and other pollinators use the woods, and forest health and pollinators.
News from SECAS January 2024 Newsletter
Review grassland indicator, Blueprint changelog updated to 2023, how Blueprint uses critical habitat, and more.
Gloved hand with Seedpods
From NRCS Flickr - Texas 139446213@N03/25115444695/
Golden-winged warbler
From Wikipedia. File:Golden-winged_Warbler,_ Rock_Crusher_Rd.,_ Sagola,_Iron_Co.,_MI,_ 21_May_2015_(18195370525).jpg
WLFW Collage Banner
Collage used on main landing page in banner position.
Sheep Herder
Dominique Herman leads a flock of Corriedale Merino cross and Ike-de-France Merino cross to pasture for morning grazing on her farm in Warwick, New York. (USDA/FPAC photo by Preston Keres)
Workspace Banner photo
Photo from iStock. iStock-1325265006.jpg
SE FireMap NRCS Workshop - January 2024
Oak Images on Golden Winged Warbler LP Dev
Group walking in woods
Indiana NRCS State Forester Daniel Shaver (left), David Ray and staff from Indiana NRCS check out the ongoing work being done at a private forest owned by Ray in Jackson County, IN during a visit May 24, 2022. NRCS photo by Brandon O’Connor
American Black Duck Partner Website