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Prescribed Burn Associations: Different Models for Different Places
News: Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems Fact Sheet
Based in part on the recent Fact Sheet on Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems by Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Fire Ecology Research Scientist, Prescribed Burning has been added to the USDA Climate Smart Priorities List for FY24.
Managing Burns Safely
Tips for landowners and producers on how to burn their pasture safely and efficiently in the spring. Brought to you by John Weir at Oklahoma State University.
The benefits of prescribed burns in growing season
Fire Ecologist John Weir describes the benefits of prescribed burns during the livestock grass growing season.
Eastern redcedar burning tips
Landowners and forest managers are welcomed to learn about how to clear and Eastern redcedar and maintain their lands and forests with prescribed burns.
The Importance of Regular Prescribed Burning
Landowners and producers are welcomed to learn about the importance of regular prescribed burning. View property that was recently burned and how this treatment helps manage the land.
News Inbox
LANL study finds wildfire-scorched areas prone to reburning
Scientists studied landscapes in 11 states that were burned by multiple fires within a 20-year period.
SFE Webinar: Fueling Collaboration
A series of interactive panel discussions designed to connect fire managers and researchers. Each discussion will be built on questions from the registered attendees. We're working to bring people together to discuss, explore, and address the latest fire science and fire management issues across the eastern United States.
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Fire Lines November 2023 (Volume 13, Issue 4)
SFE in Action | What's New in Fire Science? | Research Brief: Terrestrial laser scan metrics predict surface vegetation biomass and consumption in a frequently burned southeastern U.S. ecosystem | Fire Science News Roundup | New Tools and Technology | Other News | Bonus Section: Prescribed Fire and Ticks | Upcoming Events | New Fire Science Publications for the South | Funding Opportunities
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 3
May-August 2022 Vol. 12 (3): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 5
November-December 2022 Vol. 12 (5): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 4
September-October 2022 Vol. 12 (4): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; Recent Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
Fire Lines Volume 13 Issue 2
Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, and WLFW East Region Webinar Series
Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever, in partnership with USDA-NRCS’s Working Lands for Wildlife, has reformed the WLFW Pollinator Conservation webinar series to include broader topics and changed platforms to Zoom. This series aims to enhance understanding, confidence, and knowledge of conservation concepts. It is designed for conservation professionals working in the WLFW East Region. NRCS staff and partner organizations are welcome to attend (click image for more details), so please feel free to share it with your field staff.
News: Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region
Learn how to plan, conduct and evaluate prescribed burns with this new Guidebook designed for burners of all skill levels. This book takes you step-by-step through the prescribed burning process in addition to providing more in-depth chapters on many of the concepts.
Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region
Learn how to plan, conduct and evaluate prescribed burns with this new Guidebook designed for burners of all skill levels. This book takes you step-by-step through the prescribed burning process in addition to providing more in-depth chapters on many of the concepts.