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Bobscapes Data Request
Interested in Using The Bobscapes V1.0 Data? You need to Register or Login to Access. Below find instructions on requesting access to anonymized data collected through the Bobscapes V1.0 tool
Data Request Instructions
Data Request
Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist?
To free up land for biodiversity conservation while satisfying growing food demand, techno-optimist narratives suggest indefinitely increasing agricultural productivity, including through massive pesticide use. But this view, which has made its way from an academic niche into corporate and policy-making circles, overlooks the complexity of natural ecosystems and the market dynamics that regulate access to food.
Pebble Count Analyzer
Excel document to enter and analyze pebble count data to retrieve field values for the SQT.
BEHI and NBS Processing Form
Excel document for processing BEHI and NBS data collected in the field.
Large Woody Debris Index (LWDI) Manual
Methods for LWDI assessment to complete the Hellbender SQT.
A Function-Based Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration Projects
Download the Functional Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration. This is the science-based development of the original function-based framework that is the basis for the SQT.
HBSQT Field Data Input Form (excel)
Excel document that mirrors the field datasheets for data input. Gray cells in this document are calculations that will give you field values for the HBSQT Spreadsheet.
Hellbender SQT Materials
This page contains all the materials including excel sheets, field data forms, user's guides, etc. for the Hellbender Stream Quantification Tool (HBSQT).
Parameter Selection Guide
Print this document and keep in your clipboard for reference. This document lists with metrics should be measured for various types of WLFW projects.
Hellbender Stream Quantification Tool Spreadsheet
The HBSQT Master Document
HBSQT Field Datasheet Package (pdf)
Download and print this packet to record field data for the HBSQT. You may need multiple copies of some of the pages (e.g. LWDI, BEHI)
News: Mapping Fires Across the Southeast-Science to Solutions
The Southeast fire map (SE FireMap), funded by NRCS and managed by Working Lands for Wildlife staff, aims to develop a fire tracking map to allow for improved decision making.
Help the hellbenders: Don't move the rocks
Article from the Asheville Citizen Times
Field Day at Mountain Research Station
The Field Day at the Mountain Research Station in Waynesville, NC will be a great event for agricultural producers to get the latest updates on agricultural research and to see the latest and best available tools and equipment at the trade show. The NRCS Partner Biologists for the Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife Initiative will be in attendance with information about the program. 
Chattanooga Zoo Announces Baby Hellbenders
The Chattanooga Zoo announces the successful hatching of a group of Hellbender eggs collected from the wild here in East Tennessee.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Awards $1.3 Million in Grants to Conserve Habitat in the Southeast’s Cumberland Plateau
Seven projects will preserve forest and stream habitats, benefiting game species, forest-dependent birds, and fish and mussel species
Researchers study eastern hellbender salamanders parental habits
Unlike most wildlife species, male hellbenders provide exclusive care for their young for an extended period of seven months.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife denies Endangered Species Act protection for eastern hellbenders
Just as the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission has called on the public to help locate and document sightings of the declining population of eastern hellbender salamanders to help in recovery efforts, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided not to list the salamander as an endangered species.