Data Needs Assessment Foundational Research
Appalachian LCC Data Needs Assessment Final Report - provides recommendations on how LCC members and partners can use all the information assembled from this research to collect finer-scaled data from states, expand on work accomplished at individual state levels and “scale up” to the LCC level, and deliver data in a format that is useful for individual states and regional planning.
An Analysis of State Wildlife Action Plans in the Appalachian LCC - describe how information contained in these plans can be linked to integrate state and local-scale efforts into a regional conservation framework.
Make up of LCCs across Country by State
List of Conservation Planning Tools, Functions, and Relevance to Appalachian LCC Conservation Planning Goals - describing function and relevance of each towards the Cooperative conservation planning goals.
Interpretive Text and Graphics for AppLCC Web Portal (conservation planning tools) - shared through the LCC Web Portal for users to learn about the tools available and what purposes they could serve.
Interpretive Text and Graphics for AppLCC Web Portal (data) - that describes the data that can be posted to the Web Portal.