NACo County Wildfire Playbook
A County Leadership Guide to Help Communities Become More Fire Adapted and Learn to Live with Wildland Fire.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Fire Academy online courses
Online learning is a terrific option if you want to take National Fire Academy (NFA) classes. Our online self-study and mediated courses are free to fire and emergency services personnel, and international students are welcome. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for most courses. Successful completion is added to your NFA transcript, and you earn an NFA certificate.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center provides opportunities for federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies and other organizations to build skills and knowledge of prescribed fire, with an emphasis on field experience.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Wildfire Coordinating Group
National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s catalogue provides specific training for NWCG positions.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
NFPA Firewise USA
Every year, devastating wildfires burn across the United States. At the same time, a growing number of people are living where wildfires are a real risk. While these fires will continue to happen, there are things you can do to protect your home and neighborhood as well as your family’s safety. The Firewise USA® program is here to help you get started.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
OSU: Introduction to Prescribed Fire
Interested in learning how to conduct a safe and effective prescribed burn? Enroll in the OSU Extension Introduction to Prescribed Fire online course to learn best practices for conducting a safe and effective burn. The course features interactive learning activities and custom videos.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Prescribed Burn School
This course places an emphasis on fire behavior, how to employ the correct firing technique, and equipment & safety. After successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to schedule your official exam and field component to apply to become a Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager (CIPBM) from TDA.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges
Prescribed fire training exchanges are designed to address the unique landscape needs while keeping community values in mind.
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Prescribed Burn
SFE Lessons Learned from Learn-n-Burn Events
"Learn and Burn" workshops are an excellent way for private landowners and others to gain hands-on burning experience and knowledge from expert mentors. This webinar will provide some lessons learned from coordinating these events, and tips to putting one on in the future. Participants will be provided with a template checklist, examples of past agendas, ideas for potential partners and funding opportunities, suggestions on how to measure program impact, and successes from past events.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Southern Fire Exchange Online Resources
Southern Fire Exchange maintains a list of online resources, archived webinars, and trainings including NWCG and non-NWCG resources on topics including smoke management, general prescribed fire, and fire weather. Many resources listed on this page are also included on SFE’s list.
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Online Training Programs and Materials