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Conservation Corridor June 2024 Newsletter

Connectivity Science; Connectivity Management; Connectivity & Climate Change; Connectivity Policy; Connectivity News; Previous Digests.

Connectivity Science

How dangerous is dispersal across habitat boundaries?

While we usually think of the matrix between habitat patches as inhospitable, it may support seeds better than previously thought - but only as a one-way street.

Connectivity Management

Managing urban areas to conserve endangered species

Research on butterflies highlights how multiple factors - connectivity between green spaces, surrounding land use, and habitat quality - play a role in endangered species conservation in cities.

Connectivity & Climate Change

Reaching 30x30 goals for mountain ecosystems

A global analysis of mountain ecosystems shows the degree to which they are impacted by human modification, and how much additional protection is needed to reach key global conservation targets.

Connectivity Policy

Connectivity in National Policies: Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is one of only a few countries in the world that recognize ecological connectivity in national law, helping to protect its striking diversity of landscapes and wildlife.

Connectivity News

Previous Digests

Connectivity Science: Forest edges and leaf functional traits impact decomposition

Connectivity Management: Keeping rare species connected in urban areas

Connectivity & Climate Change: Marine protected area networks buffer against climate warming

Connectivity Policy: Wildlife Corridor Action Plans across the U.S.