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Conservation Corridor Newsletter September 2024

Connecting science to conservation.

Rethinking landscape ecology and metapopulation dynamics

A more realistic exploration of metapopulation dynamics in fragmenting landscapes reveals that species may respond in ways that contradict classic expectations.

Connectivity Management

Identifying stepping stones to increase connectivity

A framework that combines multiple indicator values can be used to guide conservation decisions when designating stepping stones for greater connectivity.

Connectivity & Climate Change

Management actions to restore climate refugia

Simulations show that increasing spatial variability and decreasing temporal variability across landscapes has quantifiable effects on the ability for dispersal-limited species to track climate change.

Connectivity Policy

Ecological corridors protected by law in Brazil's Pantanal region

Two recent articles of legislation in Brazil have given stronger protections to ecological connectivity in the Pantanal, the world's largest tropical wetland and home to immense biodiversity.